What's under the hood


Svalbox is built using some dependencies, including:

  • Vuejs 2 : because Svalbox is a Vue 2 component, it respects the usual (slightly different) Vue 2 lifecycle.
  • Beyond Reality Face : real-time face tracking SDK.
  • TensorFlow : end-to-end open source machine learning platform.
  • Media Pipe : open source cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
  • Face API : face tracker implemented on top of the TensorFlow.js core API.
Only some knowledges about Vuejs may be required in order to manipulate the component.

HTML Layout

Simple add a HTML tag which will contain the Svalbox component.

<!-- Component container -->
<div id="app"></div>


Now the HTML is placed, the component must be initialized using the following function:

// Initialize Svalbox with options
new Svalbox(
	container, // HTMLElement or string (CSS Selector) of container HTML element. Required.
	options // Object with Svalbox parameters. Optional.
) : <Svalbox> // Returns a not-yet initialized Svalbox instance.

For example:

// Initialize Svalbox with options
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app', {
	license: 'license_key',
	displayMode: 'cover',
	loader: {
		color: '#ff0000'

sbox is now a Svalbox instance, but the HTML element is not yet mounted into the page DOM.

Let's look on all available options, as follow.

NameType DefaultDescription
license Stringnull Unique license key provided by the Svalbox team.
assetsUrl Stringnull Url targetting the root folder which contains all the required assets.
autoPlayBooleantrueIf true , the component plays the input stream directly after being created.
Set to false if you need to handle the creation flow step by step.
inputStreamObject{...} Input stream options which cannot be updated after the component is created.
It may contain the following properties:
Name TypeDefault Description
typeEnum 'live'Type of input stream. It may be:
  • 'image' : image url / data provided by the imageSource property,
  • 'video': video url / data provided by the videoSource property,
  • 'live': camera stream.
imageSourceStringnull Image url / data used to process the tracking and rendering.
videoSourceStringnull Video url / data used to process the tracking and rendering.
widthInteger640 Camera stream width requested to the browser.
The value 640 is strongly recommended.
heightInteger 480Camera stream height requested to the browser.
The value 480 is strongly recommended.
faceTrackerObject{...} Face tracker options which cannot be updated after the component is created.
It may contain the following properties:
Name TypeDefault Description
typeEnum 'none'Type of face tracker. It may be:
  • 'none' : no tracker. For developement purpose,
  • 'brf' : Beyond Reality Face engine *,
  • 'mediapipe': Media Pipe free engine including optional Iris tracking,
  • 'faceapi': Face API free engine.
* Under commercial license which doesn't belong to us.
Please contact us for more information.
optionsObject{} Optional object data depending of the type property.
facesCountInteger1 Number of faces which must be tracked. The greater this value, the slower the component.
mirrorImageStringnull Image url / data reflected on the lenses.
debug BooleanfalseIf true, the debug mode is enabled.
Set to false for a production use.
displayModeEnum'default' Mode used to display the component. It may be:
  • 'default': the rendering keeps the initial ratio,
  • 'cover': the rendering covers the component,
  • 'contain': the rendering is contained into the component.
loaderObject{...} Loader options which cannot be updated after the component is created.
It may contain the following properties:
Name TypeDefault Description
typeEnum 'default'Type of loader. It may be:
  • 'default': Svalbox branded loader,
  • 'spinner': Classic spinner.
colorString'#307df6'Loader main color.


This is the Svalbox lifecycle. The initialization process may be automatized by setting the autoPlay option to true.



Once initialized, a Svalbox component provides a bunch of useful methods as follow. They all return a value if desired or return this. This mechanism makes the chaining possible.

create() : Svalbox

Create the HTMLElement and mount it into the page DOM. The component is resized to match the requested dimensions (width / height) if needed.

This method should be executed first.

For example:

// Initialize the component
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app');

// Inject the component into the page DOM

isCreated() : Boolean

Return true if the component is created (create() method executed and create event triggered), false otherwise.

For example:

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isCreated()); // true

console.log(sbox.isCreated()); // false

console.log(sbox.isCreated()); // false

destroy() : Svalbox

Destroy the component, release the resources in memory and removes the HTMLElement from the page DOM.

For example:

It will be possible in the future to destroy and create again the same component. At the moment it's strongly recommended to create a new Svalbox component instead.

start() : Svalbox

Start the input stream. The component must be created before executing this method. If the autoPlay option is set to true , this method is automatically executed. If the inputStream.type option is set to 'live' , the customer will receive a browser notification requesting to allow the camera access. Once the input stream is started, the face tracker and renderer engines are initialized.

This method should be executed in second.

For example:

// Initialize the component
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app');

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => {
	// Start the input stream and initialize the face tracker and renderer

// Inject the component into the page DOM

An exception is trown if the component is not yet created.

isStarted() : Boolean

Return true if the component is started (start() method executed and start event triggered), false otherwise.

For example:

// Initialize the component
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app');

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isStarted()); // false
	console.log(sbox.isStarted()); // false

sbox.on('start', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isStarted()); // true

console.log(sbox.isStarted()); // false

stop() : Svalbox

Stop the input stream, including the physical camera.

For example:


toggleStart() : Svalbox

Shortcut to start the component if stopped, or stop it otherwise.

It does exactly as follow:

sbox.toggleStart = () => {
	if (sbox.isStarted()) {
	} else {

For example:


play() : Svalbox

Play (or resume if previously paused) the input stream. The component must be created and started before executing this method. If the autoPlay option is set to true , this method is automatically executed.

This method should be executed in third.

Once the input stream is playing, the face tracking and rendering are processing.

For example:

// Initialize the component
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app');

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => {
	// Start the input stream and initialize the face tracker and renderer

sbox.on('start', (sbox) => {
	// Start the input stream and process the face tracking and rendering

// Inject the component into the page DOM

isPlaying() : Boolean

Return true if the component is playing (play() method executed and play event triggered), false otherwise.

For example:

// Initialize the component
const sbox = new Svalbox('#app');

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // false
	console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // false

sbox.on('start', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // false
	console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // false

sbox.on('play', (sbox) => {
	console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // true

console.log(sbox.isPlaying()); // false

pause() : Svalbox

Pause the input stream, including the physical camera.

For example:


togglePlay() : Svalbox

Shortcut to play and resume the component if paused, or pause it otherwise.

It does exactly as follow:

sbox.togglePlay = () => {
	if (sbox.isPlaying()) {
	} else {

For example:


on(event : String , callback : Function) : Svalbox

Provide a way to listen the Svalbox events and execute custom code. See the Events section to understand which events can be listened.

For example:

sbox.on('create', (sbox) => console.log('Svalbox created!'));

resetTracking() : Svalbox

Reset the face tracker and perform a new face tracking. Useful when the tracking is stuck on a wrong face.

For example:

sbox.on('touch', (sbox) => sbox.resetTracking());

setFacesCount(facesCount : Integer) : Svalbox

Set the number of faces which must be tracked. The greater this value, the slower the component.

For example:


getFacesCount() : Integer

Return the number of tracked faces.

For example:

console.log(sbox.getFacesCount()); // 3

setFrame(frame : Object) : Svalbox

Set the frame options. The frame parameter must contain the following properties:

  • front: front image url / data,
  • leftTemple: left temple image url / data,
  • rightTemple: right temple image url / data,
  • lenses : lenses image url / data.

For example:

	front: 'https://site.com/front.png', // Absolute url
	leftTemple: '/images/leftTemple.png', // Relative url
	rightTemple: '...AABJRErkJgg==', //Base 64 data
	lenses: await (await fetch('https://site.com/lenses.png')).text() //Lazyloaded image data

getFrame() : Object

Return the current frame options.

For example:

	front: 'https://site.com/front.png',
	leftTemple: '/images/leftTemple.png',
	rightTemple: '...AABJRErkJgg==',
	lenses: 'data:image/...'

setLenses(lenses : Object ) : Svalbox

Set the lenses options. The lenses parameter must contain the following properties:

  • color : array of 1 or 2 (if vertical gratient) colors,
  • reflectivity : float between 0 (none) and 1 (full) reflectivity coefficient.

For example:

	color: '["#FF0000"]',
	reflectivity: 0.5

getLenses() : Object

Return the current lenses options.

For example:

	color: '["#FF0000"]',
	reflectivity: 0.5

setMirrorImage(mirrorImage : String) : Svalbox

Set the mirror image which is reflected in the lenses.

For example:

sbox.setMirrorImage('https://site.com/mirror.jpg'); // Absolute url
sbox.setMirrorImage('/images/mirror.png'); // Relative url
sbox.setMirrorImage('...AABJRErkJgg=='); //Base 64 data
sbox.setMirrorImage(await (await fetch('https://site.com/mirror.png')).text()); //Lazyloaded image data

getMirrorImage() : String

Return the current mirror image.

For example:

console.log(sbox.getMirrorImage(); // 'data:image/...'

setDebug(isDebug : Bool ) : Svalbox

Enable or disable the debug mode.

For example:


isDebug() : Bool

Return true if the debug mode is enabled, false otherwise.

For example:

console.log(sbox.isDebug()); // true

setLoading(isLoading : Bool) : Svalbox

Enable or disable the loading mode. When enabled, a spinned is displayed over the component.

For example:


isLoading() : Bool

Return true if the component is loading (trigerred by setLoading()), false otherwise.

For example:


setDisplayMode(displayMode : Enum) : Svalbox

Mode used to display the component, based on 3 values, as follow:

  • 'default' : the rendering keeps the initial ratio,
  • 'cover' : the rendering covers the component,
  • 'contain' : the rendering is contained into the component.

For example:


getDisplayMode() : String

Return the current mode used to display the component.

For example:

console.log(sbox.getDisplayMode()); // 'cover'

getSnapshot() : String (ImageData)

Take a snapshot of the rendering and return the image data.

For example:

<img id="image">
	const image = document.getElementById('image');
	image.src = sbox.getSnapshot();


Svalbox also comes with a some events which can be listened. See the on() method to understand how to listen an event.

create : Function(sbox : Svalbox)

Fired when the component is created by manually calling the create() method or by setting the autoPlay option to true .

destroy : Function(sbox : Svalbox )

Fired when the component is destroyed by manually calling the destroy() method.

start : Function(sbox : Svalbox)

Fired when the component is created by manually calling the start() method or by setting the autoPlay option to true .

stop : Function(sbox : Svalbox )

Fired when the component is created by manually calling the stop() method.

play : Function(sbox : Svalbox)

Fired when the component is created by manually calling the create() method or by setting the autoPlay option to true .

pause : Function(sbox : Svalbox )

Fired when the component is created by manually calling the pause() method.

touch : Function(sbox : Svalbox)

Fired when the user touches (mobile) or clicks on (desktop) the component.

touchhold : Function(sbox : Svalbox)

Fired when the user touches and holds (mobile) the component.

swipe : Function(sbox : Svalbox, data : Object)

Fired when the user swipes (mobile and desktop) on the component. The direction is set in data.direction and can be 'top', 'bottom' , 'left' or 'right'.

error : Function(sbox : Svalbox, data : Object)

Fired when an error occured.